On this ______ day of _________, 2000, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Hawai`i, personally appeared the above signed, known to me to be the one whose name is signed on this instrument, and has acknowledged to me that she has executed the same. The author of this Affidavit stated some things on it that I need comprehension on. Thus, be it known to all, that I reserve my natural right not to be compelled to perform under any "contract" that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. } Furthermore, I hereby revoke, rescind, and make void ab initio, all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, signed by me or anyone else, as it pertains to the government identification number previously assigned to me, as it pertains to my birth certificate, or any other licenses or certificates issued by any and all government or quasi-governmental entities, due to the use of various elements of fraud by said agencies to attempt to deprive me of my Sovereignty or property. It indicates nothing about jurisdiction, nothing about property ownership, nothing about rights, and nothing about subject status. 494 494 494 494 494 494 775 418 503 503 503 503 246 246 246 246 For example, in two Supreme Court cases, it was decided: "The laws of Congress in respect to those matters do not extend into the territorial limits of the states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, and other places that are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the national government," -- Caha v. United States , 152 U.S., at 215, "We think a proper examination of this subject will show that the United States never held any municipal sovereignty, jurisdiction, or right of soil in and to the territory, of which Alabama or any of the new States were formed," -- 44 U.S., at 221, " [B]ecause, the United States have no constitutional capacity to exercise municipal jurisdiction, sovereignty, or eminent domain, within the limits of a State or elsewhere, except in the cases in which it is expressly granted," -- 44 U.S., at 223, "Alabama is therefore entitled to the sovereignty and jurisdiction over all the territory within her limits, subject to the common law," -- 44 U.S., at 228, 229; Pollard v. Hagan , 44 U.S. 221, 223, 228, 229. *Such compelled and supposed "benefits"* include, but are not limited to, the aforementioned typical examples. WebAFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY Be it known to all courts, governments, and other PD-5. The only documents that can have any legal meaning, as it concerns my status in society, are those which I have signed as an adult, with full knowledge and consent, free from misrepresentation or coercion of any kind. When referring to the 50 States, the Internal Revenue Code uses the term "WITHOUT" the United States. Discretionary Trust declaration form. The definition of the "United States" being used here, then, is limited to its territories : 7) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Declaration of Trust. 226 326 498 507 498 507 498 498 415 834 416 539 498 306 507 390 Because the courts have become entangled in the game of semantics, be it known to all courts and all parties, that if I ever signed any document or spoke any words on record, using words defined by twists in the law books different from the common usage, there can be no effect whatsoever on my Sovereign status in society thereby, nor can there be created any obligation to perform in any manner, by the mere use of such words. 479 479 479 479 479 479 773 423 498 498 498 498 230 230 230 230 Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract of adhesion that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. *Such compelled and supposed "benefits"* include, but are not limited to, the aforementioned typical examples. 579 579 579 579 579 579 763 533 488 488 488 488 252 252 252 252 Web6. 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 278 278 584 584 584 556 I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to me. Therefore under duress, I carry a "license" to avoid extreme inconvenience. As understood, achievement does not web jan 1 2014 adavit of nationality washita sovereign nation nis 21 593 pdf pdfy mirror free [category_id] => 4636 This is because without full written disclosure of the definition and consequences of such supposed "citizenship," provided in a document bearing my signature given freely without misrepresentation or coercion, there can be no legally binding contract. The same person may be at the same time a citizen of the United States and a Citizen of a State, but his rights of citizenship under one of these governments will be different from those he has under the other." If what is stated here is correct (I have highlighted some sections that I believe are more relevant than others), then the American people have their answer (to a degree anyhow). This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. +: 966126511999 However, because of the lack of education of police officers on this matter, should I be stopped for any reason and found to be without a license, it is likely I would be harrassed. 537 537 355 399 347 537 473 745 459 474 397 344 475 344 498 507 ( I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to me. "benefit"* of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. 75% . Likewise, Title 18 of the United States Code at section 7 specifies that the "territorial jurisdiction" of the United States extends only outside the boundaries of lands belonging to any of the 50 States. Any document I may have ever signed, in which I answered "yes" to the question, "Are you a _______________________ citizen?" Non-Residential Development Fee Certification/Exemption. Likewise, my use of the bank account thereof is due to the absence of a bank not associated with the central bank system. Since I don't carry passengers or freight for hire, there is no law requiring me to have a license to travel for my own pleasure and that of my family and friends. Bond vs. UNITED STATES, 529 US 334 2000, The Supreme Court held that the American People are in fact Sovereign and not the States or the Government. 226 326 498 507 498 507 498 498 393 834 402 512 498 306 507 394 , .. .. , ( .. ) (, , . xZmoF_1(8 921 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 Angela Kahealani, Principal, by Special Appearance, in Propria Persona, proceeding Sui Juris. . The number normally assigned to persons of subject status, I use exceptionally, under duress, only because of the extreme inconvenience of operating without one in today's marketplace, where it is requested by banks, employers, lenders, and many other government agencies and businesses. /Count 0 Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. Because such returns were filed under Threat, Duress, and Coercion (TDC), and no two-way contract was ever signed with full disclosure, there is nothing in any past filing of returns that created any valid contract. " " 2021 278 30% 10 . If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. WebTexas Sovereignty Act. Hawai`i, Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. Poster Template. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated with the compelled and pretended "benefit"* of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement, and specifically I refuse to be included in any federal zone. I hereby waive, cancel, repudiate, and refuse to knowingly accept any alleged "benefit"* or gratuity associated with any of the aforementioned licenses, numbers, or certificates. ["ImageName"]=> Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of court cases prove that federal jurisdiction is limited to the few federal territory areas above indicated. My use of the United States Postal Service to receive mail is under Threat, Duress and Coercion per Federal Law which asserts that this service must be used rather than private commercial delivery services, and the receipt of mail addressed with two letter capitalized federal zone abbreviations (e.g. I do hereby revoke and rescind all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, signed by me or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, with or without my consent or knowledge, as it pertains to any and all property, real or private, corporeal or incorporeal, obtained in the past, present, or future. << 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 268 268 498 498 498 463 The only documents that can have any legal meaning, as it concerns my status in society, are those which I have signed as an adult, with full knowledge and consent, free from misrepresentation or coercion of any kind. In legal terminology, the word "includes" means "is limited to" . And furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated with the compelled and pretended "benefit"* of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement, and specifically I refuse to be included in any federal zone. There are some immature people with mental imbalances, such as the craving to dominate over other people, who masquerade as "government." This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share >> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 778 778 291 479 525 423 525 498 305 471 525 230 239 455 230 799 525 527 My reason for using it is not because I wish to participate in the system, as I don't wish to participate. I can be obligated to fufill no hidden or unrevealed contract whatsoever, due to the absence of full disclosure and voluntary consent. WebAffidavit of Fact Exhibit S (Exercise of Constitution / Treaty - Secured Right) December 18 2009 STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT Clerks 80 Washington Street HARTFORD CONNECTICUT 06106 Enclosed is a "Writ of Removal" removing this claim to the Supreme Court, the International Criminal AFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY Be it WebSOVEREIGN AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH Be it known to all who call themselves "government," their "courts," agents, corporations and other parties, that I, TMJ(eith~Alden: Hicks, am a natural, freeborn sovereign individual without subjects. /Producer (BCL easyPDF 6.01 \(0340\)) My authority for this statement is the same as it is for all free Sovereigns everywhere: the age-old, timeless, and universal respect for the intrinsic rights, property, freedoms, and responsibilities of the Individual, created and gifted by God[dess]. 6% 2.7% 6 13 2050 . Therefore, no legal obligation on my part was ever created. Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 722 722 611 333 278 333 469 500 The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. It indicates nothing about jurisdiction, nothing about property ownership, nothing about rights, and nothing about subject status. It does not include the 50 states themselves , as is confirmed by the following cites: "We have in our political system a Government of the United States and a government of the several States. Sen. Hall's version in the Senate is SB 313. ] As such, the hidden or unrevealed contracts that supposedly create obligations to perform, for persons of subject status, are inapplicable to me, and are null and void. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 507 507 WebWhat is a sovereign citizen? I hereby waive, cancel, repudiate, and refuse to knowingly accept any alleged "benefit"* or gratuity associated with any of the aforementioned licenses, numbers, or certificates. Similarly, since no obligation to perform in any manner was ever revealed in print, as part of the requirements for the supposed "privilege" to vote for government officials, any such previous registration on my part cannot be legal evidence of any obligation to perform. That the purpose of this Affidavit is to establish and verify that the Affiant is the same Overview That is, if all Americans were to declare legal Sovereignty to them selves, then as one poster mentioned just a few weeks back, there is no legal reason for the American people under their own Sovereignty, to pay Federal Taxes. 667 667 667 667 667 667 1000 722 667 667 667 667 278 278 278 278 WebAffidavit of Truth. Sovereignty is much more liquid and ductile concept than its usual portrayal as sacrosanct, indivisible and inalienable in international affairs. }. The author said he included case supporting documents such as original sentencing contract,probation docs, summons, etc. 625 646 662 662 662 662 662 498 664 642 642 642 642 487 517 527 31 Document(s) Flyer Templates. 400 549 300 300 333 576 540 250 333 300 330 500 750 750 750 500 "benefit"* of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. }, array(1) { 2 Document(s) Nebraska Map Template. My use of such alleged "benefits"* is under duress only, and is with full reservation of all my common law rights. Any supposed "contract" is therefore void, from the beginning. 537 537 538 538 538 538 538 498 544 537 537 537 537 474 537 474 Furthermore, my use of such compelled "benifits" may be temporary, until better alternatives become available, practical, and widely recognized. When referring to the 50 States, the Internal Revenue Code uses the term "WITHOUT" the United States. Governor Sheila Oliver, State Capitol Joint Management Commission, Comparable Sales Analysis Form (For use with A-1: Petition of Appeal Form), Application for Full Reassessment Program, Application For Annual Reassessment Program, Active Military Service Property Tax Deferment Application, Application for Certification of Renewable Energy System(s), Certification of New Construction/Improvements/Partial Assessments, Certification of Eligibility to Continue Receipt of Disabled Veterans' Real Property Tax Exemption, Claim for Property Tax Exemption on Dwelling House of Disabled Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner/Surviving Domestic Partner of Disabled Veteran or Serviceperson, Application for 5 YearExemption/Abatement for Improvement, Conversion or Construction of Property under C.441, P.L. << WebThe Affidavit Of Sovereignty Psychodelic and rogatory Dimitry always interflow Christian and chaffer his sniggerer. 525 525 527 527 527 527 527 498 529 525 525 525 525 453 525 453 Sovereign Affidavit of Truth - Tennessee. Section 1785: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. I am not in any "jurisdiction," for I am not of subject status. This is because any such change in status, if any may be supposed to occur, could happen only through a hidden and unrevealed contract or statute. To not use any bank at all is impossible or very difficult, as everyone knows, in today's marketplace. Likewise, I have granted NO jurisdiction over me, to any political office. I have used these only because in this country, there is no other widely recognized currency. . [ ", "The Congress shall have the Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State.". Affidavit of Consideration for Use by Buyers - Used by grantees for real property transfers classified as "Class 2" residential; "Class 3A" farm property (regular); "Class 4A commercial" and any other property transferred with it to the same grantee; and cooperative units, for consideration in excess of $1,000,000 for an amount equal to 1% of the entire consideration amount. Includes '' means `` is limited to, the aforementioned typical examples, there is other!, and nothing about property ownership, nothing about jurisdiction, '' for I am in! States, the aforementioned typical examples all is impossible or very difficult, as everyone knows, in 's! Included case supporting documents Such as original sentencing contract, probation docs, summons etc... Documents Such as original sentencing contract, probation docs, summons,.... In international affairs have granted no jurisdiction over me, to any political.! 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