(1)(a) When premises are rented for an indefinite time, with monthly or other periodic rent reserved, such tenancy shall be construed to be a tenancy from month to month, or from period to period on which rent is payable, and shall end by written notice of 20 days or more, preceding the end of any of the months or periods of tenancy, given by the tenant to the landlord. IMPORTANT: IF YOU CHOOSE TO PAY A RECURRING MONTHLY FEE INSTEAD OF A SECURITY DEPOSIT: (1) YOU ARE NOT AN INSURED PARTY UNDER THE INSURANCE POLICY PURCHASED BY THE LANDLORD USING YOUR FEES; (2) YOU ARE NOT A BENEFICIARY TO ANY INSURANCE COVERAGE OR ANY INSURANCE BENEFITS UNDER THE INSURANCE POLICY THAT THE LANDLORD PURCHASES USING YOUR FEES; AND. A court must impose this penalty in an amount necessary to deter future violations, payable to the tenant bringing the action. . Fixed-Term Early Termination. Falsely representing the availability of a unit, Offering different terms, conditions, or privileges between tenants, Advertising the sale or rental of a dwelling in a manner that indicates a discriminatory preference, Failing to provide reasonable accommodations, Enforcing a neutral rule that disproportionately impacts one or more classes of tenants over another, Whether the smoke detection device is hard-wired, or battery operated, Whether the building has a fire sprinkler system, Whether the building has a fire alarm system, Whether the building has a smoking policy, and what that policy is, Whether the building has an emergency notification, evacuation, and/or relocation plan for the occupants (and if so, a copy of that plan must be provided). When the landlord must commence to remedy the defective condition within ten days as provided in RCW, (3) If the landlord fails to carry out the duties imposed by RCW. (1)(a) If a tenant notifies the landlord in writing that he or she or a household member was a victim of an act that constitutes a crime of domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking, and either (a)(i) or (ii) of this subsection applies, then subsection (2) of this section applies: (i) The tenant or the household member has a domestic violence protection order, sexual assault protection order, stalking protection order, or antiharassment protection order under chapter. Also, the legislature finds that victims of these crimes are further victimized when they are unable to obtain or retain rental housing due to their history as a victim of these crimes. Any landlord so deprived of possession of premises in violation of this section may recover possession of the property and damages sustained by him or her, and the prevailing party may recover his or her costs of suit or arbitration and reasonable attorneys' fees subject to subsections (3) and (4) of this section. More From (1)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, upon receipt of a tenant's written request, a landlord must permit the tenant to pay any deposits, nonrefundable fees, and last month's rent in installments. . TO STOP A PHYSICAL EVICTION, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PAY THE BALANCE OF YOUR RENT AND/OR PAYMENT PLAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $. (4) Once the landlord or the designated person knows of the appointment of a personal representative for the deceased tenant's estate or of a person claiming to be a successor of the deceased tenant who has provided the landlord with proof of death and an affidavit made by the person that meets the requirements of RCW. If you believe you are a qualifying low-income renter and would like an attorney appointed to represent you, please contact the Eviction Defense Screening Line at 855-657-8387 or apply online at https://nwjustice.org/apply-online. (B) Facts are shown establishing that reasonable attempts to serve a previous warrant have been unsuccessful. (Defendant's Address), (1) A statement that you are appearing in the court case, (2) Names of the landlord(s) and the tenant(s) (as listed above), (3) Your name, your address where legal documents may be sent, your signature, phone number (if any), and case number (if the case is filed), This case is / is not filed with the court. . Leases may be in writing or print, or partly in writing and partly in print, and shall be legal and valid for any term or period not exceeding one year, without acknowledgment, witnesses or seals. The consumer credit report did not contain sufficient information, .. Information received from previous rental history or reference, .. Information received in a criminal record, .. Information received in a civil record, .. Information received from an employment verification, Dated this .. day of .., .(year). (2) A landlord who replaces a lock or configures for a new key of a residential housing unit in accordance with subsection (1) of this section shall be held harmless from liability for any damages that result directly from the lock change. If you believe you have faced sexual harassment in housing, you can contact the DOJ about your experience. If any additional inspections of the rental property are conducted, a copy of the findings of these inspections may also be required by the local municipality. (7) A landlord who complies with this section is relieved from any liability relating to the deceased tenant's property. It is also the purpose of this act to provide enforcement mechanisms to cities, towns, counties, or municipal corporations including the ability to advance relocation funds to tenants who are displaced as a result of a landlord's failure to remedy building code or health code violations and later to collect the full amounts of these relocation funds, along with interest and penalties, from landlords." . . (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a landlord chooses to waive a security deposit requirement, and a tenant agrees to instead pay a fee in lieu of a security deposit, the landlord shall: (a) Ensure that the fee in lieu of a security deposit is strictly optional for the tenant, and the tenant may choose to pay a full security deposit rather than a fee in lieu of a security deposit; (b) Not use a prospective tenant's choice to pay a fee in lieu of a security deposit or a traditional security deposit as a criterion in the determination of whether to approve an application for occupancy; (c) If choosing to offer the fee in lieu of a security deposit option, offer it to every prospective tenant whose application for occupancy has been approved, without further regard to income, race, gender, disability, source of income, sexual orientation, immigration status, size of household, or credit score; (d) Allow any tenant that agrees to pay a fee in lieu of a security deposit to opt out of the continuing fee in lieu of a security deposit obligation upon full payment of the security deposit that is listed in the disclosure form pursuant to (f)(ii) of this subsection, and in the event the tenant seeks to pay a security deposit, RCW, (e) Provide a written checklist to the tenant pursuant to RCW. Any oral or documentary evidence and other data deemed relevant by the arbitrator may be received in evidence. Washington state law may allow you three different options: (1) Paying the full security deposit upon signing the lease. If a court or arbitrator determines a defective condition as described in RCW, (1) Local municipalities may require that landlords provide a certificate of inspection as a business license condition. (6)(a) In any application seeking relief pursuant RCW, (b) After a finding that the tenant is low-income, limited resourced, or experiencing hardship, the court may issue an order: (i) Finding that the landlord is eligible to receive on behalf of the tenant and may apply for reimbursement from the landlord mitigation program; and (ii) directing the clerk to remit, without further order of the court, any future payments made by the tenant in order to reimburse the department of commerce pursuant to *RCW. The tenant does not have a right to cure this subsequent violation. . . (2) The eviction resolution pilot program must be used to facilitate the resolution of nonpayment of rent cases between a landlord and tenant before the landlord files an unlawful detainer action. (d) The rental agreement is in writing and includes the following provisions: (i) The tenant may not use, possess, or share alcohol, illegal drugs, controlled substances, or prescription drugs without a medical prescription, either on or off the premises; (ii) The tenant may not allow the tenant's guests to use, possess, or share alcohol, illegal drugs, controlled substances, or prescription drugs without a medical prescription, on the premises; (iii) The tenant must participate in a program of recovery, which specific program is described in the rental agreement; (iv) On at least a quarterly basis the tenant must provide written verification from the tenant's program of recovery that the tenant is participating in the program of recovery and the tenant has not used alcohol or illegal drugs; (v) The landlord has the right to require the tenant to take a urine analysis test regarding drug or alcohol usage, at the landlord's discretion and expense; and. . Prior to the sale or disposal of property stored pursuant to this section with a cumulative value of two hundred fifty dollars or less, the landlord shall notify the tenant of the pending sale or disposal. (year), I verify that I have provided to the person whose signature appears above the statutes cited in RCW, Dated this . . To that end, they are also legally required to do the following: Washington landlords can initiate and complete the eviction process in one to three months (or longer). Tenants Union Tenant Counselors are not attorneys, and this information should not be considered legal advice. (d) Anticipated additional rent and utility costs in the residence for one year after relocation. (vii) Conduct related to other notices served within the last six months. January 12, 2022 The certification may be appealed to the local board of appeals, but the appeal shall not delay or preclude the tenant from proceeding with the escrow under this section. (b)(i) The landlord may charge a prospective tenant for costs incurred in obtaining a tenant screening report only if the prospective landlord provides the information as required in (a) of this subsection. Below is a list of common services that a Washington landlord may or may not be responsible for(under state law) providing and maintaining: Note:If a landlord provides an amenity not required by law, they are generally responsible for maintaining it throughout the tenancy. (f) If, after sixty days from the date that the city, town, county, or municipal corporation first advanced relocation assistance funds to the displaced tenants, a landlord has failed to repay the amount of relocation assistance advanced by the city, town, county, or municipal corporation under (c) of this subsection, then the city, town, county, or municipal corporation shall assess civil penalties in the amount of fifty dollars per day for each tenant to whom the city, town, county, or municipal corporation has advanced a relocation assistance payment. (3) Any repayment plan entered into under this section must: (a) Not require payment until 30 days after the repayment plan is offered to the tenant; (b) Cover rent only and not any late fees, attorneys' fees, or any other fees and charges; (c) Allow for payments from any source of income as defined in RCW, (d) Not include provisions or be conditioned on: The tenant's compliance with the rental agreement, payment of attorneys' fees, court costs, or other costs related to litigation if the tenant defaults on the rental agreement; a requirement that the tenant apply for governmental benefits or provide proof of receipt of governmental benefits; or the tenant's waiver of any rights to a notice under RCW, (4) It is a defense to an eviction under RCW. If they do, they may face penalties for precipitating an illegal lockout. Nothing in this subsection prohibits a landlord from serving a notice to pay or vacate at any time after the rent becomes due. (5) Nothing in subsection (2)(d), (e), or (f) of this section permits a landlord to end a tenancy for a specified period before the completion of the term unless the landlord and the tenant mutually consent, in writing, to ending the tenancy early and the tenant is afforded at least 60 days to vacate. harassment landlord (1) If, at any time during the tenancy, the landlord fails to carry out any of the duties imposed by RCW, (2) If the landlord fails to commence remedial action of the defective condition within the applicable time period after receipt of notice and the estimate from the tenant, the tenant may contract with a licensed or registered person, or with a responsible person capable of performing the repair if no license or registration is required, to make the repair. . Any order staying the writ of restitution under this subsection (3)(c)(iii) shall require the tenant to serve a copy of the order on the landlord by personal delivery, first-class mail, facsimile, or email if agreed to by the parties. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any lease of a single-family dwelling for a period of a year or more or to any lease of a single-family dwelling containing a bona fide option to purchase by the tenant: PROVIDED, That an attorney for the tenant must approve on the face of the agreement any lease exempted from the provisions of this chapter as provided for in this section. . The checklist or statement shall be signed and dated by the landlord and the tenant, and the tenant shall be provided with a copy of the signed checklist or statement. (25) "Prospective tenant" means a tenant or a person who has applied for residential housing that is governed under this chapter. The court shall require service of the order and motion to stay the writ of restitution by personal delivery, mail, facsimile, or other means most likely to afford all parties notice of the court date. (e) The tenant shall not be entitled to deposit rent in escrow pursuant to this section unless the tenant first makes a good faith determination that he or she is unable to repair the conditions described in the certification issued pursuant to subsection (2)(d) of this section through use of the repair remedies authorized by RCW, (f) If the local government or its designee certifies that the condition or conditions specified by the tenant exist, the tenant shall then either pay the periodic rent due to the landlord or deposit all periodic rent then called for in the rental agreement and all rent thereafter called for in the rental agreement into an escrow account maintained by a person authorized by law to set up and maintain escrow accounts, including escrow companies under chapter. (2) Assertions or enforcement by the tenant of his or her rights and remedies under this chapter. (3) A landlord shall provide, upon the request of a tenant, a written receipt for any payments made by the tenant in a form other than cash. If the date of the order is on or before the fifteenth of the month, the tenant shall remain current with ongoing rental payments as they become due for the duration of the payment plan; if the date of the order is after the fifteenth of the month, the tenant shall have the option to apportion the following month's rental payment within the payment plan, but monthly rental payments thereafter shall be paid according to the rental agreement. In addition, displaced tenants shall be entitled to recover any actual damages sustained by them as a result of the condemnation, eviction, or displacement that exceed the amount of relocation assistance that is payable. The record of the report provided to the landlord must not include the name of the alleged perpetrator of the act. More info on this ordinance can be found here. (g) This section, when elected as a remedy by the tenant by sending the notice under subsection (3) of this section, shall be the exclusive remedy available to the tenant regarding defects described in the certification under subsection (2)(d) of this section: PROVIDED, That the tenant may simultaneously commence or pursue an action in an appropriate court, or at arbitration if so agreed, to determine past, present, or future diminution in rental value of the premises due to any defective conditions. (5) A tenant's remedies under this section do not preempt any other legal remedy available to the tenant. State law also provides you the right to receive interpreter services at court. (b) If a landlord and tenant enter into a rental agreement that provides for the tenancy to continue for an indefinite period on a month-to-month or periodic basis after the agreement expires, the landlord may not end the tenancy except for the causes enumerated in subsection (2) of this section; however, a landlord may end such a tenancy at the end of the initial period of the rental agreement without cause only if: (i) At the inception of the tenancy, the landlord and tenant entered into a rental agreement between six and 12 months; and, (ii) The landlord has provided the tenant before the end of the initial lease period at least 60 days' advance written notice ending the tenancy, served in a manner consistent with RCW. landlord seattle association rental sues laws sykes over jim westlake monica housing washington member A court must impose this penalty in an amount necessary to deter future,! 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