God's Word protects you from darkness and danger. He keeps His It is all of Gods power and all of our power. It is a place of turning. of a covenant people. God will leave the enemy, but will take courage out of them. If youve had this idea that youll just stroll into your promised land in flip-flops, holding an ice cream cone, youre in for a rude awakening. Having trouble logging into your account? Gloria Copeland is quick to point out, Obedience determines your outcome. And, by the way, there is no small area of disobedience. why you will notice in the course of these chapters, and let me encourage you to Have you laid hold of the provision and blessing that Jesus won for you at the cross? They became complacent. Joshua 23:1-24:15, Tags: And wandering. and they possessed it and lived in it. Reported attempted suicides are over the 100,000 mark annually. Joshua 3:1-4:25, Tags: They had blessings, but no inheritance. Renew your covenant with Him, then you are set to possess the promised land. 3. In order words, they were free, but were not settled. Youve worked on the first five steps, and nowhere you sitright at the waters edge. Would You Make The Cut On John Wesley's Preaching Team? For the glory of our wonderful Lord Jesus. 1. Every time we go into praise, God is set to do things. Because Approximately 500 years after the giving of the promise, Abrahams seed stand on the banks of Jordan waiting to go over and possess that which God had promised to them. Joshua had to submit to God to take over. . It is possible to miss Gods plan for your life by not paying attention to or obeying what He tells you to doeven when you think its too small to matter. They werent prepared to accept this supernatural anointing for victory and property. You are troubled by nightmares, and past sins, and the consequences of He saw a victorious Jesus bringing down all principalities and power. I know that this is a controversial topic and I also know that if you only hear the buzz words and And it is to death. It's our minds. It was Gods will for the Israelites to conquer, possess and enjoy the bounty of their Promised Land. After 40 years in the wilderness, the people were finally ready to take possession of the land that had been promised to them. able use one or two of them. In Num 33:3-4, they went out with a mighty hand. The taking-it part was going to involve a battlebut they were guaranteed the victory! God was telling them, the enemy was not the problem; if you want to possess the promised land, you need to renew your confidence in me. tribe of Levi, and the reason is because the LORD was their inheritance. In If Moses were here, he would tell you a thing or two about disobedience (even in something small) and how it can lead to the elimination of the possibility of ever seeing your promised land. Make your speech be of a good reportno matter how you feel or what it looks like. Even now, the almost 70 year-old minister often goes out alone or sometimes with an assistant to walk through the streets of New York City, along Broadway and Eighth Avenue or down 42nd Street and nearby "Crack Alley" on 41st Street. In order for us to move forward, it is wisdom to consider the . All came to pass.. 6 Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do. (Need help keeping the vision in front of you? For over four decades, Reverend Wilkerson's evangelistic ministry has included preaching, teaching and writing. The moment we enter our Lords presence, we realize all flesh must die. Impossibility is going to stare you in the facetaunting you. It is a CHOICE. They belong to you, and yet, theyre not automatic. In the first Passover, God was changing their level moving them from bondage into freedom. Joshua 1:1-9, Deuteronomy 1:1-9, Tags: Here, they ate of the corn of the land they were entering into; from that moment, manna seized. Possess God's many blessings for you when you spend time in His Word. Here, the children of Israel embarked on a journey from Egypt up to the border of the land of promise. them. God does His part and we do our part. Heres everything you need to know to possess your promised land in 2020. Morizkirche (or Stadtkirche St. Moriz) is a Protestant church dedicated to Saint Maurice in Coburg, Bavaria, Germany, and is the town's oldest church.Its earliest remaining structures date back to the 14th century, which superseded a church from the 12th century. 1. Think about what you might be grumbling about: Maybe youve even complained about God. And like the Israelites, you feel like youre wandering. the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers There is a supernatural anointing for believers to acquire houses and lands. Sermons for Memorial Day. Eventually the people learned to trust God and act in faithful obedience, and they were able to go into the Promised Land and accept their new houses and lands. And as long as the children of Israel obeyed and remained generous, they thrived throughout that storied land of promise, prosperity, and prophecy! Before they departed Egypt, the Israelites were given the wealth of the Egyptians, also as God had promised: When you leave you will not go empty-handed (Exodus 3:21 NIV). They still had a fearful, distrustful, bondage mentality. Avenge even to the point of death. The enemy suffered them, but could not stop them. When the opposition comes against you entering your promised landand it will comeyour job is to fight. He has to be all to you. Suddenly holy war had a whole new meaning. From January to date, we have enjoyed strange supernatural order of provision the grace of God in divine provision. If this astonishing promise was made to you, would you welcome the promise with thankfulness or cringe from the surprising and unprecedented opportunity? Experience true success when you spend time in God's Word. So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him. Many pastors, including this one, preached series on the subject of spiritual warfare including strong emphasis on confronting and defeating evil. All of them were leaders of the Israelites. The death of the High Priest was Gilgal is a place of renewal. The answer is: God gives the victory. 10 So Joshua ordered the officers of the people: 11 "Go through the camp and tell the people, 'Get your supplies ready. No matter what it is, THE BLESSING always includes health and healing, prosperity, joy, peace and success. All Rights Reserved. David Wilkerson, born in Hammond, Indiana on May 19, 1931, was married in 1953 to Gwen Carosso. firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His Say, Im going for it. It was waiting for them all along: the land flowing with milk and honey, the protection, THE BLESSING. 3. Over time, the imaginary space was worn bare of grass. The failure on the part of the people of God to render complete and full You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled. Having trouble logging into your account? Before they went into the Promised Land, a tremendous event took place - God spoke to Joshua! Your grasshopper syndrome could sound something like this: As long as youre making excuses and speaking a bad report, you wont possess your promised land and see great change in 2020. Denomination: Thats why I get And here is the story of Joshua and Caleb, and God remembers It was a long 40-year journey. in chapters 14 and 19, while the Levites were not given a special inheritance, SUB-THEME: Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part 1. security within His loving arms. ( Proverbs 23:7) If you are stuck in a sour mind set, your life is going to produce sour fruit. part of the law of Israel allowed a family member to avenge, on behalf of their The Israelites had a grasshopper syndrome. He alone is to be your source of excitement, your constant revival. the surface there are stubborn sins that still lurk within their heart, Sermon by As soon as they would step into the Promised Land, the miraculous supply of manna would stop. They had 5 children. The same day the Israelites were moving to their promised land, the same day their enemies were burying their children. The Possessing Your Promised Land Series sermon series will help you prepare impactful sermons to preach at your church. Rest from an external enemy, but also internally. Joshua 6:3. The counts of Henneberg inherited the city in 1248, and it was chartered in 1331. Chapters 1-4 deal with the entrance into the Promised Land, then 5-12 with the conquering of the Promised Land. There are many general calls in Gods Word that we may all apply to our own lives, but in this instance a definite personal call was required. What a blessing you are to souls around the globe. Has God been preparing you to accept the promised wealth transfer? Remember, in your hand, its just a seed, but with God, its all you need! Knowing God by Name: Names of God That Bring Hope and Healing by David Wilkerson It talks about assessing our next phase of Glory, next phase of lifting. And detail. There are things that will not come to you until you are prepared for them. Take up Gods invitation to you and enter into the peace and rest of your everlasting possession, Jesus Christ, the Lord. "Moses my servant is dead, arise get. Victory (v.44b) Every time you are changing level, expect opposition. Ps. It is wisdom to keep record of your progress. Assembly Of God. We should be more than able to conquer it (Numbers 13:30). Reverend Wilkerson, the author of over thirty inspirational books, is perhaps best known for his early days of ministry to young drug addicts and gang members in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Brooklyn. theres a third thing in this passage. Proved at Lincoln County Court sessions of October 1792 by oath of Henry Whitener [Jr.]. Moved with compassion he was drawn to the city in February 1959. It was at that time he began his street ministry to what one writer called "desperate, bewildered, addicted, often violent youth. Even the word is full of hope. What you dont prepare for never appears. God told Moses to keep a diary and record every step of the journey. Circumcision has to do with renewal, rededication, repentance; then the Passover. think I can draw this conclusion. This is in complete contrast to the wilderness. Close your eyes and spend time picturing yourself walking in that land. Are you ready to move beyond where you are today? In order words, Moses began from when they left Egypt, and at every point in which they had moved God told him to record their going out that means progress; not their coming in. 4, youll be well on your way to mastering this key to success. the end of chapter 21, for in many ways, these verses form a theological summary Joshua 5:1. Multitudes from all nations have possessed Christ as their all-in-all. Forgiveness General. What Is The Power Behind Every Great Preacher's Effort? You need to make a choice to loveand not based on feelings. The bitter herbs connote their suffering they went through in Egypt. He will say never. This was so they wont see the obstacles and feel they were in the wrong place. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word chapters that God keeps them. Now For You come into this You want the whole thing to work. We gave them victory. In Matt 5:1, Jesus saw the multitude and went into the mountain for preparation, then He determined when the next level comes. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Act. SUB-THEME: Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land, Part 2. section, chapters 13-21, brings us to a new section. Young Use these ideas from top Christian communicators. 2 Kings 2:1. Deuteronomy 8:10-13 GOD WILL DESTROY YOUR FEARS, REKINDLE YOUR FAITH AND ESTABLISH YOUR GLORIOUS DESTINY! How When He served me some wine 1982: the wine of prosperity. God commanded the children of Israel, that as soon as they were coming out of Jordan, they should pick 12 stones from the river of Jordan and put the 12 stones together and make a memorial. glimpse of His glorious power, but He then wishes so to engage us that future When you return, God changes your level. land. 1997 2023 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. And you will need to take it by Gods power for person tonight, if you are serious about wanting to be Christ like, do not, do And twice as much as the letters to Ephesians and Colossians combined. Betrayal. My advancement to my next level is a must, it is not negotiable. God says, I have not changed, I am still with you. Events: Feeding The Citizens! Isnt that 33:1, God said to Moses, write down the journeys of the children of Israel. His mission is always to seek out the lost, the disoriented, and the addicted , to tell them of the power of the risen Christ to set them free. Divine Strategy and Glorious Conquest! Now they were again being offered the land that God had promised would be theirs. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. I We can't do His part. Find out How to Create a Personal Vision Board for 2020 HERE.). land earlier, 40 years before, and had come back to Moses and said, Lets When your enemies come, do not fear them. stayed in that city until the death of the high priest. Because it is! Exodus 12:21 the children of Israel left Egypt after 430 years. Outside of the USA, donate now in your local currency through our official PayPal page. Copyright 2019 - 2023. the reality, young people, is that if you allow those sins to grow and take root The Vision and Beyond, Prophecies Fulfilled and Still to Come by David Wilkerson "Attitude of Possessing"-Submission Now "First steps in Possessing"-Trusting and Obeying There comes a time when we have to decide if we are . Promise! Whatever you are not prepared for, Heaven cannot give you. Kenneth Copeland Ministries is dedicated to building up believers faith and deepening their walk with Christ, so they can live the victorious life God promised. The Lord said to Moses, Send men to explore Canaan, which Im giving to the Israelites. Oh what a joy that is to some of us, that God is concerned to number the the last detail. JESUS WELCOMES YOU to your PROMISED LAND where you are at reach of The GoodLife in Jesus Christ. The daily choice whether we will open the door of our life or ignoring His request to fellowship with us is ours to make! They point to the coming $68 trillion Great Wealth Transfer, which will occur as baby boomers begin the most significant-ever generational wealth transfer to their children! He saw the victory of the cross and many nations streaming into the Promised Land, possessing their promise: Christ himself. Why? I We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. God was telling them, He had closed Jordan and they cannot go back, so the only way for them was to move forward! What if I must battle someone before I can take ownership of this unexpected windfall? January 8, 2017 Possessing Your Promised Land Part I "Gilgal" Pastor Howard-John Wesley Alfred Street Baptist Church Let us constantly bear in mind that it is always an event of great importance when God speaks to us! They had abundance. Why did those people get blessed, while Im still waiting? Or maybe, Ive been tithing, but I dont see any blessings.. in 16, at the end, the Canaanites (Ephraimites) and most striking, in 17:17-18, What makes God omnipotent is that He makes your enemies impotent. But instead, fear came in and dominated their thoughts, words and actions. chapters when God singles out the less than full obedience of the people of God The magnificent animal had been an extraordinary gift presented to President Eisenhower and the American people from India in a ceremony at the White House on December 5, 1960. to remain with them for a very long time, returning like a bad dream to haunt In Num. Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part SUPERNATURAL TURNAROUND VIA SHILOH SACRIFICE. But we cant overlook Gods repeated instructions to Joshua, as he moved forward to possess the Promised Land. Ruth 1:22, Naomi returned that was repentance. exhortation to roll up yourselves. If you accomplish No. suspected of some crime, or unintentionally killed someone. Because Sermon Topics. The LORD appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." Coburg was an imperial possession in the 10th century, and it was first mentioned in a document of 1056. Last Sunday we talked about Crossing Over, In Num. Let your faith come alive as you send your precious seed for precious souls, and the Lord Jesus will surely bring your miracle to pass as you move into your own place of promise, prosperity, and prophecy. God Speak. Then you will be prosperous and successful. is so concerned about little details. -This will be a turnaround feast for you.-God will destroy your fears, rekindle your faith and establish your glorious destiny in Jesus precious name. When youre a Christian, and you love your bible, details are SUB-THEME: Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part 1. Israel failed. Suddenly, the promised release comes, but then youre plunged into homelessness and required to wander with no place for your family to sleep except under the stars, fearful of what that night, or the next day, will bring. And here is God remembering to keep His promises as He apportions out the If you want more, you will need to take hold of the sloth that has Designed by. You wonder, Can this really be mine? He saw the victory of the cross and many nations streaming into the Promised Land, possessing their promise: Christ himself. In a recent email, I quoted leading financial analysts. For real. his servants. With this message, we close this series from Joshua, about possessing our Promised Land, moving into Gods provisions for your life. How you feel is immaterial. the Israelites failed here, failed to drive out all the enemies, because they 5 No-one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. Copyright, Reproduction & Permission statement. The promised land is mine!. 1 Sam. The significance of the second Passover was that God was changing them from freedom to wandering. And when youre done waiting. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. allowed pockets of resistance to remain and grow, and in certain instances to flourish, the consequences were According to Gods agenda, it is preparation that precedes possession. Things you face and wonder if you would be able to survive it, but by the hand of God, you survived it. Maybe you can see it in your heart, but taking possession of your promised land has eluded you year after year. Gods already given it to you. The journey to your next level begins with possessing the next level mentality. Even the word is full of hope. Gen. 13:17, God told Abraham to walk through the land. It took the children of Israel 500 years from when they were in captivity till they stepped foot in the promised land (Gen. 15:13). the fact that I am skimming over 9 chapters does not mean that any part of Now, the possessing of the Promised Land, and later the responsibilities Several weeks ago I began a study in Joshuas conquest of Canaan, drawing lessons for our own advance into the place of abundant blessing in the presence of God! 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Dont you love a promise, especially when you know that the promise maker is also a promise keeper? Jesus himself has to become your everything. The red sea was impossible to pass; behind them, the Egyptians were pursuing and in front there was a barrier. JESUS WELCOMES YOU to your PROMISED LAND where you are at reach of The GoodLife in Jesus Christ. What move do you need to make? But they also spoke of giants and walled cities. Send one leader from each of their ancestors tribes. So at the Lords command, Moses sent these men from the Desert of Paran. For full copyright, reproduction and permission information, please visit the First Presbyterian ChurchCopyright, Reproduction & Permission statement. God rescued them from Pharaohs army by opening up the Red Sea so they could walk across on dry land before the waters returned to destroy the Egyptians. You see, something happens when we cross the line into the Holiest of Holies. now, they may dog you for the rest of your Christian life. both Joshua and Caleb were each given a special inheritance, an allotment of Text: Joshua 9 Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving you for your own.". Be conscious of Gods presence that is with you. of Caleb and Joshua. Because they obeyed God the wall came down. The JUNE Edition. How amazing would that be? hairs on your head. MIRACLE CONCEPTION VIA KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP. And God is concerned about them. Though this is not a message of joy, it is one of great consequence for your fu, Disobedience, Defeat, and Discipline As soon as they entered Gilgal, God knew there was an obstacle on their way that would put fear in them. And remember, real love doesnt rely on feelings. What will you do to receive the wealth transfer God has prepared for you? And there has been many a battle in between. Try A Prayer to Possess Your Promised Land). Gen. 13:14-15. When youre interested in something, details are important. Thank you for your part in this worldwide ministry. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He was voted down. When youre going up to possess your promised land, youve got to BELIEVE youre going to see it. Be strong and courageous. The third Passover was when they were about entering the promised land. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Are you ready? "Basic Lessons needed to Possess"- Hold fast to my promises and me. No, he is just rolling on. I believe that one of the leading reasons for this monumental transfer of wealth is to finance the preaching of the Gospel and prophesied end-time harvest! of the entire book of Joshua. Faith General, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, Help your church understand God's plan in pain, Call your people to experience a higher freedom, Proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. But before we get to that, The memorial is to boost our confidence in God to handle the issue. But God's Word encourages, strengthens, and heals you in your valley seasons. 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